Similar to a worry stone, you can hold your worry beads in your hand and run your fingers over the beads absentmindedly (this can be done out of sight like in a pocket if you are self-conscious).

For a mini-meditation: choose a mantra, word or affirmation that you will use for this meditation. Using your thumb and middle finger*, hold the bead closest to the guru bead (the base) and say your mantra (either in your mind or out loud). Using only your thumb and middle finger, move on to the next bead and say your mantra. Repeat this process until you are back at the guru bead. If you would like to continue your meditation, adjust the worry beads without breaking your grip so that the last bead (the one you are holding) is now your first. Never jump the guru bead to continue as this will ‘break’ your meditation - always return to the start by going back the way you came.

* Why the middle finger and not your pointer? Because the pointer is linked to ego and we want to keep ego out of meditation.

See the full range of worry beads.

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