Meditation is not about 'clearing your mind of all thoughts'. It is about taking a moment to connect with self & surroundings. It is a reminder to be present, as often as possible. We spend so much time thinking about the past & the future that we forget to be present in the now. This isn't to say that you can't look to the past to learn or reminisce. It isn't to say that you can't plan for the future either. It's about living in the now, for that is all we have.

Here is a quick 10 minute meditation you can do to have the best start to your day:

Sit somewhere comfortable where you won’t be interrupted for a few minutes (lying down is not recommended unless you are meditating to help you sleep)

Get barefoot (this helps to ground us)

Close your eyes (make sure you read all of the steps before doing this)

Take 3 long, deep breaths

Notice the sounds around you, both near and far. Both annoying and relaxing. Man-made and nature.

Take 3 long, deep breaths

Notice the ground under your feet. How does it feel? Hard/soft, smooth/rough, warm/cold, wet/dry.

Take 3 long, deep breaths

Feel the seat/bench/lounge/chair etc under you: where is your body connected to the seat? 

Take 3 long, deep breaths

Notice your breath: fast/slow, steady/shaky

Take 3 long, deep breaths

Think of 5 things you are grateful for and why you are grateful for them

Take 3 long, deep breaths

Think of how you want to show up in the world today: kind, loving, compassionate etc

Take 3 long, deep breaths

Open your eyes and enjoy your day


p.s. You can also use meditation beads (aka mala beads) or worry beads to support your focus during meditation.

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